Raleigh Identity Theft Attorney

Contact the Attorneys at Sandman, Finn and Fitzhugh for a FREE Consultation on identity theft charges in Raleigh and Wake County.

Defending Your Rights Against Identity Theft Charges

Identity theft is using someone’s personal information, such as date of birth, Social Security number, or credit card information, for personal gain. Cases can be simple instances of using someone else’s health insurance to get treatment to stealing multiple bank account numbers in a data breach scheme. If you are being investigated or have been charged, we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and legal options.

Identity theft is almost always a felony in North Carolina, even if it is a first-time offense. If you are facing these charges, it’s important to contact a Raleigh identity theft attorney who will provide you with the experienced representation and legal counsel you need.

At Sandman, Finn & Fitzhugh, we have successfully handled numerous cases of identity theft and other fraud matters over the years. We offer aggressive representation and solid legal advice, regardless of the obstacles our clients may face. In addition to having over a half-century of combined experience, we also act as federal criminal defense attorneys, representing clients in the Eastern District of North Carolina. To schedule your free case review, call us now at (919) 845-6688.

Identity Theft Penalties in Wake County

North Carolina law essentially treats identity theft like a type of burglary. Both these offenses involve using force to unlawfully take property. and they are both serious crimes according to the North Carolina General Statute. An identity theft conviction can lead to the following penalties:

  • As much as 63 months in prison in the case of trafficking stolen identities, though most cases are charged as a Class G felony which is punishable by up to 31 months in prison
  • Fine of up to $50,000
  • Lengthy court supervision

Defendants face possible civil penalties as well. North Carolina law gives identity theft victims a private right of action. So, even if the state does not have enough evidence to establish guilt in court, civil penalties are a distinct possibility.

Contact Our Raleigh Identity Theft Attorneys Today

Identity theft is not a charge to be taken lightly. If you are under investigation or are facing charges, schedule a free case evaluation today. We’ll listen to your case and work with you to determine the right course of action. Call us today at (919) 845-6688 or fill out our contact form to get started.